Just like two snowflakes, fingerprints, or leaves, no two curls are the same!


Kenzie and Her Curls Hard Cover Book

kenzie and her curls book cover

Kenzie loves her curls, but it wasn’t always like that. Sometimes her little spiral curls didn’t behave. She felt lost, but Mum takes Kenzie on an adventure to meet some new friends: kids with curls of all types and colours. Just like two snowflakes, fingerprints, or leaves, no two curls are the same! And soon, Kenzie realizes how special her curls are.

Kenzie and Her Curls Hard Cover Book


100% Mulberry Silk Scrunchie

Silk scrunchies protect your curls by reducing friction. Silk is naturally smooth and soft in texture, which helps reduces frizz and thinning, while preventing knotting, breakeages and split ends. They slip in and out of your hair with ease and will not tangle or pull out your precious locks.

Choose your colour…

About the author

Nadeen grew up much like little Kenzie in this children’s story struggling with her curls, but she too learned to fall in love with them. A young Australian, Nadeen hopes that she can help inspire children from all backgrounds, to love and embrace every bounce, twist and spring.

An inspirational tale, ‘Kenzie and Her Curls’ is Nadeen’s first book.

Born on the land of the Bindal and Wulgurukaba people in Townsville, QLD, Australia, Nadeen plays professional basketball in the Women’s National Basketball League. When she’s not playing basketball she loves nothing more than hanging out with her French Bulldog – Bentley.


How to:
  1. Select a Character
  2. ‘Save Image’
  3. Print
  4. Colour it in – be as creative as you want! Show us your masterpiece or keep it close to your heart.

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The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and the Townsville City Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.